Elections 2023
There are elections for Borough and Parish Councils on 4th May 2023. Residents are urged to ensure they are registered to vote asap and requested postal votes if needed. You should also note that this year, Photo ID will be required if voting in person; if you are in any doubt about whether you have such ID, information is provided in the documents here (main ones will do - driving licence, passport, bus passes etc., but best to check).
As nine candidates stood for the Parish Council elections and there are eleven spaces, all nine are deemed elected. The remaining two places are to be filled by co-option as soon as possible and details will be here in due course.
There will be an election for our Borough Councillor, and the list of those nominated is below.
List of Cllrs elected (uncontested election)
List of Candidates for Borough Council election
Borough Press Release - gives all dates etc. for voters and candidates (17th April for voters, 4th April for candidates)
Resource Pack - include links to all information for voters (Electoral Commission)